Audit & Assurance Service

External Audit

Thorough examination of financial statements and related records to provide an independent opinion on their accuracy and fairness.

Tax Audit

Review of tax returns and supporting documents to ensure compliance with tax laws and regulations.

Limited Period Reviews

Short-term reviews conducted to assess specific financial or operational aspects of a business.

Due Diligence Reviews

Comprehensive assessments performed prior to mergers, acquisitions, or investments to evaluate risks and opportunities.

Internal Audit

Independent evaluation of internal controls, risk management processes, and operational efficiency to enhance governance and effectiveness.

Concurrent Audit

Real-time examination of financial transactions and controls to identify irregularities or potential risks.

Internal Financial Control

Evaluation and enhancement of internal financial control systems to ensure compliance and mitigate financial risks.

Risk Assessment

Identification and evaluation of risks to help businesses understand and manage potential threats effectively.

Development of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

Design and implementation of standardized procedures to streamline operations and ensure consistency.

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